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Effective Date: 27th December 2024
1. Introduction
1.1 These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your use of the services provided by GoalBounty Ltd, a private limited company registered in England, with registered office 20 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU with company registration number 16134633 ("we," "us," "our", "the Company").
1.2 Definitions:
i) “You” means you, the person using GoalBounty and receiving our Services;
ii) “Parties” means us and you collectively;
iii) “Services” means the service we provide to you, which includes us holding your bounty for safekeeping while you achieve your goal(s), and providing coaching and accountability for you, and the websites we make available to you as part of GoalBounty, such as, but not limited to,, and, as well as any GoalBounty software and apps; and
iv) "SMS" means Short Message Service.
1.3 By engaging with our service, you are into a legally binding agreement with us.
1.4 GoalBounty is a goal-setting and accountability service, and it is not a medical, psychiatric or health care service, and it is not a bank, savings account or financial service, and you agree not to treat it or use it as such or for any other purpose which it is not intended for.
2. Service Overview
2.1 Our Services allow you to commit money (your "Bounty") towards achieving a specific goal or habit within a defined timeframe. We will hold on to your Bounty so safekeeping while you achieve goal. Upon you providing us with satisfactory evidence of achieving your goal, your Bounty will be refunded. Failure to meet your commitment will result in total forfeiture of your Bounty. The forfeiture exists to incentivise commitment to your goal and to maintain integrity of the GoalBounty approach.
2.2 Satisfactory evidence of you having achieved your goal will vary depending on what goal you commit to achieve with GoalBounty. Below is a non-exhaustive list of satisfactory evidence for each kind of goal:
i) Quitting alcohol, quitting smoking or vaping, or quitting marijuana - an email or screenshot of the results of a hair or nail analysis test from a bona fide drug testing laboratory with negative results, and a video of you taking the test;
ii) Quitting pornography - browsing history provided by third-party software such as CovnenantEyes or Accountable2Eyes on your internet-enabled devices;
iii) Fitness and physical workout goals - selfies/very brief videos taken for each workout (for example, in the gym), or data and screenshots from third-party fitness and health trackers, for example, FitBit, Oura, Apple Health or from third-party fitness and running apps such as (but not limited to) RunKeeper;
iv) Weight loss and fat loss goals - before and after screenshots of weight tracking apps or software, before and after measurements with photos of scales or measuring device with a date written on a piece of a paper;
v) Bed time goals - data and screenshots from third-party fitness and health trackers, for example, FitBit, Oura, Apple Health, or Sleep Cycle app data showing activity and sleep timings; and
vi) Writing goals (such as for finishing a book, screenplay or thesis) - a copy of your completed work (in PDF or Word format).
2.3 We will solely, ultimately and exclusively decide whether your evidence is satisfactory enough for us to refund your Bounty.
2.4 You will provide us with satisfactory evidence by uploading it via the GoalBounty Dashboard located at, using the 'Submit evidence' feature, or, by emailing such evidence to (provided that the evidence you send via email is 20 megabytes or less).
2.5 If there is any dispute between the Parties as to whether any evidence you provide is deemed satisfactory by us, we will first explain why we do not think the evidence is satisfactory. We will also try to make reasonable efforts to resolve any dispute with you first. In some cases, entirely at our sole discretion, we may offer a partial bounty refund to you if the Parties cannot mutually agree on the evidence being satisfactory to resolve any dispute between the Parties. If the Parties still cannot agree on the evidence being satisfactory, then we will refer the dispute to binding arbitration to be resolved by an independent arbitrator appointed by a competent authority or professional arbitration service (such as but not limited to The Law Society in the UK), and you will bear the cost of arbitration. Arbitration can be commenced by you following the process as laid out by The Law Society at the following URL:
2.6 You agree to provide only truthful and accurate evidence and statements to us. If you provide us with any falsified evidence (such as but not limited to using artificial intelligence to generate evidence, using photos or videos from a web search or a stock media database, or by using image or video editing software to produce doctored photos or videos), or if you provide us with any false statements, then this will result in the total and immediate forfeiture of your Bounty, and additionally, will be treated as a criminal attempt to defraud or deceive us, which we may report to law enforcement and relevant authorities, and will also result in a permanent and immediate ban from using GoalBounty and our Services.
3. Committing a Bounty
3.1 You will pay your Bounty in full upfront to us (along with any applicable non-refundable admin fees and service charges).
32. Your Bounty will be paid by us into a designated secure account which we will not use for our day-to-day business operations such as, paying our overheads, or paying staff and operational costs.
3.3. Your Bounty will remain in this account until either refunded to you upon successful completion of your commitment or forfeited in accordance with these Terms.
3.4 We will not loan out, invest or otherwise spend any Bounty you commit using our Services while you are working towards your goal, unless you forfeit your commitment.
3.5 We reserve the right to fully retain any and all interest we may earn from our accounts during the time period of us storing your Bounty in such accounts.
3.6 We reserve the right to transfer your bounty into a third-party account or escrow service for safe-keeping purposes.
4. Setting a Goal or Habit
4.1. You will specify a clear, measurable goal you wish to achieve and the timeframe for its completion. Alternatively, you will specify a bad habit that you wish to avoid and the timeframe you will commit to avoiding such a habit. Alternatively, you will specify a good habit and a timeframe you will commit to carrying out said habit.
4.1 Bad habits include (but are not limited to) smoking or vaping tobacco, drinking alcohol, substance usage and/or watching pornography.
4.2 Good habits include (but are not limited to) meditating daily, engaging in physical exercise multiple times a week and/or going to bed before midnight in your local time zone.
4.2. The goal or habit and evidence criteria must be agreed upon prior to committing your Bounty via our Services. We reserve the right to challenge or change the evidence criteria within 14 days of you committing to your goal using our Services. We will ultimately and solely decide if the evidence criteria is acceptable.
5. Commitment and Support
5.1 We will assist you to achieve your goal by keeping you accountable with requesting periodic accountability reports from you, and by sending you reminders via email and/or SMS to complete said reports and by providing you access to our online forums and communities where you can receive peer support for your goal. However you are solely responsible for achieving and we will have no liability for any direct or consequential damages if you do not achieve your goal. We also provide absolutely no warranty or guarantee as to the uptime or availability of our Services, our website, our app or our servers, which may go offline at any time, and without advance warning, and this may be beyond our control.
5.2 Our Services do not guarantee success or any kind of result, and are not a substitute for your effort and determination.
6. Professional Support
6.1 You agree to see a psychological, psychiatric and/or medical professional if you are suffering from mental health issues.
6.2 You will consult a medical doctor as soon as possible before starting a new diet and/or exercise regime or if withdrawing from alcohol or substance abuse.
6.3 You agree and understand that our Services are not suitable for recovery from severe addictions, such as, but not limited to, chronic and severe alcohol addiction, heroin addiction, fentanyl addiction, meth addiction and crack-cocaine addiction, or any addiction requiring intense in-patient care. You agree to seek professional support for these conditions and other serious substance addictions, such as from a medical, psychiatric or psychological professional. You also agree to consult a medical doctor if you are ceasing alcohol or marijuana usage whilst using our Services.
6.4 You agree and understand that our Services are not suitable for individuals who suffer from or have history of, or are currently suffering from, any eating disorders, anorexia or bullimia, who are wishing to use our Services in order to motivate themselves to achieve a weight loss or fat loss goal. You will refrain from using our Services for such goals if you suffer from, currently or historically, the aforementioned conditions. You agree to seek professional support for these conditions such as from a medical, psychiatric or psychological professional.
7. Refund of Bounty
7.1 Upon successful verification of evidence and us solely determining that your evidence is satisfactory and reasonably proves that you have met your goal or habit commitment, we will refund your Bounty to you in full to the card or account from which it was paid from.
7.2 Bounty refunds will typically be processed and transferred back to you within 15 working days of successful verification by us. If your refund takes longer than this, please contact us by email at There may be delays beyond our control, which may be due to delays from our payment processor, our bank, your bank, your card provider, or other unforeseen circumstances (see Clause 7.3).
7.3 Bounty refunds will be suspended or delayed temporarily or indefinitely by us if we are ordered by a court of law, competent authority, or law enforcement to do so, or if you are in a jurisdiction or embargoed or financially sanctioned territory where it would be unlawful for us to send money to, or if you, your bounty payment, or the card or bank account you used to pay your Bounty become the subject of a criminal or fraud investigation, or, the card you used to pay with later transpires to be reported as lost or stolen.
7.4 To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any suspension or delay of Bounty refunds directly or indirectly caused by force majeure events, including, but not limited to, war, riots, civil unrest, natural disasters, floods, fire, acts of God, pandemics, death, illness, and power cuts.
7.5 To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any suspension or delay of Bounty refunds directly or indirectly caused by unforseen circumstances, including but not limited to, our account(s) being terminated, frozen, locked, suspended or otherwise unavailable, internet connection failure, cyber attacks, and/or any criminal or malicious activity.
7.6 You agree not to do anything to circumvent these Terms or our Services to improperly or unlawfully receive a refund of your Bounty, and not to do anything to receive your Bounty in a way that violates the nature or Terms of our Services.
7.7 Any fees and service charges you pay to us for using our Services will remain strictly non-refundable. At the point of you paying your Bounty, we will make clear what our fees and service charges are upfront.
8. Forfeiture of Bounty
8.1. If you fail to achieve your goal or fail to provide satisfactory evidence when requested by us, your Bounty will be forfeited in its entirety.
8.2. Forfeited Bounty will be retained and used entirely at our sole discretion for operational costs, charitable contributions, or other uses.
8.3. Bounty forfeiture is final and non-reversible. If there are mitigating circumstances which prevented you from achieving your goal or being able to provide satisfactory evidence, and you can provide evidence of this, you can submit an appeal by emailing, and at our sole discretion, we may give a partial or full refund of your Bounty depending on your circumstances, however, we do not guarantee or warrant that we will accept your appeal, and this will be contingent on you supplying us with evidence which is deemed satisfactory solely by us, and, the mitigating circumstances and your personal situation. If we reject your appeal, our decision is final and non-reversible. If any dispute arises, then Clauses 12.1 to 12.2, and Clauses 22.1 to 22.5 will apply.
8.4 If you have agreed to stay away from a bad habit and you relapse in the agreed timeframe, your Bounty will be forfeited in its entirety.
8.5 If you have agreed to maintain a good habit and you fail to maintain the agreed consistency in the agreed timeframe, your Bounty will be forfeited in its entirety.
8.6 We may offer some leniency at our sole discretion if you agree to use GoalBounty's Leniency Mode at the time of setting up your goal and commitment which will not result in forfeiture of your Bounty, and such leniency we will offer will be as follows:
i) For quitting smoking, vaping, drinking or marijuana usage, we will allow you to slip once, within the first month, and the date that you slip (if applicable) will become the new start date;
ii) For weight loss and fat loss goals, we will permit a 10% margin error rounded to the nearest pound;
iii) For fitness-related habits and good habits (such as meditating daily or going to bed before midnight), we will permit 15% inconsistency of days / weeks (whichever is applicable, and rounded to the nearest whole number) within the goal timeframe where you did not adhere to your habit, for example, if there are 26 weeks in the goal timeframe, we would accept if you did not perfectly adhere to your agreed good habit for 4 weeks (rounded up from 3.9), and likewise, if your goal was to meditate daily, we would accept if you did not manage to do this for 15% of the total days within the goal timeframe, for example, if there were 180 days in the goal timeframe, and you did not meditate for 27 of those days, we would permit this; and
iv) For bedtime goals, we will permit an allowance of 30 minutes.
8.7 Regardless of whether you have agreed to use GoalBounty's Leniency Mode, we will offer leniency if you have been medically advised by a medical doctor to stop pursuing your goal, and you can produce a letter from your medical doctor as evidence, and in such cases, we may refund your bounty partially or in full. Likewise, if there are unforeseen circumstances which you can provide evidence for, we may offer some leniency.
8.8 Regardless of whether you have agreed to use GoalBounty's Leniency Mode, with the exception of any goals involving quitting smoking, vaping, drinking alcohol or using marijuana, we will offer leniency if you have notified us in writing that you are sick, in which case, we will permit up to 7 continuous days of any lapses. If you are sick for a longer period of time, you will need to provide an official letter from a medical doctor confirming you are sick, as per clause 8.7.
8.9 You will decide whether or not to use GoalBounty's Leniency Mode before making your commitment using our Services. You cannot later decide to use it if you have chosen GoalBounty's Hard Mode.
8.10 We will periodically request a brief progress report from you, which you must submit within 5 days via our forms located at or when we request you to do so. If you fail to submit three requested progress reports in a row, we will deduct 5% of your bounty (rounded to the nearest penny or cent, depending on the currency you have paid in), and will continue to do so for each week until you submit a progress report.
8.11 In the event of your death, if we hold your Bounty, we will retain 90% of your Bounty and will donate 10% of it (rounded to the nearest penny or cent, depending on the currency) to a charitable or social cause of our choosing.
9. Limitation of Liability
9.1. We do not guarantee the achievement of your goal or abstinence from a bad habit, nor do we bear any liability for your failure to meet your commitment.
9.2. While we endeavour to provide support and accountability services, we do not warrant their effectiveness or suitability for your specific circumstances.
9.3. To the extent permitted by law, our liability for any claim arising under these Terms is limited to the value of your deposited Bounty.
9.4. By using GoalBounty, you acknowledge that you are fully and solely responsible for your financial decisions and you fully understand the risks involved.
9.5 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not be liable for any direct or consequential loss or damage or loss of earnings arising from your use of our Services or of GoalBounty,.
9.6 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not be liable for any psychological, physical or medical conditions developing or worsening arising from your use of our Services or of GoalBounty.
9.7 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
9.8 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not be liable for any psychological or physical injuries sustained during or after your pursuit of any goals or from your use of our Services. You agree to hold harmless us and our affiliates, officers, directors, founders, secretaries, employees, workers, agents, coaches, consultants, subcontractors, suppliers and licensors from and against any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's or solicitors' fees) arising out of or related to your pursuit of any goals or from your use of our Services.
9.9 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not be liable for any interruption or delay to our Services. Although we will do our best to provide constant, uninterrupted access to our Services and GoalBounty, we do not guarantee this.
9.10 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not liable if our Services become unavailable in your region. We make no promises or provide any guarantees that GoalBounty or our Services are appropriate or available for use in all countries or for use by all individuals.
9.11 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not be liable for any business losses you incur, directly or consequentially, from using our Services.
9.12 In the unlikely and catastrophic event that any of our account providers such as banks or payment processors go bankrupt or into administration, or another force majeure event such as, but not limited to, fire, theft, war, natural disaster, pandemics, civil unrest or cyber attack happens which results in a partial or total loss of your Bounty, then, to the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we and our affiliates, officers, directors, founders, secretaries, employees, workers, agents, coaches, consultants, subcontractors, suppliers and licensors will not be liable for such a loss of your Bounty. In such a case, we will make reasonable efforts to try to recover your Bounty, but we do not guarantee or warrant that we will be able to, and will notify you in writing by email if this is the case.
9.13 We may provide you with hyperlinks and recommendations to external resources from third parties which we have no control over, and, should any third party resources or links contain viruses, phishing, cross-site scripting attacks, malware, or any other kind of cyber attacks, then, to the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not liable. You also agree to access such resources and links shared by us at your own sole risk and discretion.
9.14 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not be liable for any breach, disclosure, tampering, loss or illegimate access of your data, personal information or credentials due to viruses, malware, hacking, phishing or cyber attacks. In such an event, and in accordance with applicable laws, we will notify you by email if we discover that your data, personal information or credentials have been compromised.
9.15 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, Apple, Inc and Google LLC, and their subsidiaries and related entities, will not be liable or responsible for any payments, refunds, or transactions associated with your Bounty. All payment and refund processes are handled by our external systems and our payment processor partners, such as Stripe, Inc, and not by their payment systems.
9.16 To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, we will not be liable for your usage of our online forums and communities, such as, but not limited to, our community on Discord. While we will make reasonable efforts to moderate our online forum and communities, we do not provide any vetting or background checks on any of our forum and community users, and we do not warrant or guarantee that the content our forum and community users share will be free of viruses, malware, trojans, phishing, bugs or malicious code. As such, you will use engage and use such forums and communities entirely at your own sole discretion and own risk, and you will exercise extreme caution in sharing any personal or identifiable information and accessing any links or resources shared by other users in such forums and communities. We strongly advise you not to meet any forum and community users in person for your own safety especially if you do not know them in real life, and if you do decide to against our advice, then you do so at your own sole discretion and risk.
10. Termination
10.1. You may terminate your participation in our Services at any time, however, termination will result in forfeiture of the Bounty unless evidence of completion is provided, as per clauses 8.1 to 8.9.
11. Data Protection and Privacy
11.1. We will handle your personal information, including evidence submitted by you, in compliance with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,and in accordance our Privacy Policy, which forms part of these Terms, and is available to access at .
11.2 To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any loss of your data, including evidence submitted by you, thus, you will take your own backups of any and all evidence you submit to us.
12. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
12.1. These Terms are governed by English law.
12.2. Any disputes arising under these Terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
13. Amendments
13.1. We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time. You will be notified of any material changes, and continued use of our Service after such notification constitutes acceptance of the amended Terms.
14. Status
14.1. The relationship between us and you will be that of “independent contractor”.
14.2. We are not your employee, worker, agent or partner.
14.3. Nothing in these Terms will constitute a joint venture or partnership.
15. Notices
15.1 Any notice sent under these Terms will be delivered in writing, which will include email.
16. Entire Agreement
16.1 This is the entire agreement between us and you with respect to its subject matter, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous proposals, representations, statements and agreements.
17. Anti-oral Variation
17.1 If you wish to change these Terms, the change will first need to be mutually agreed in writing between the Parties.
17.2 We may change this agreement at any time, but will notify you in writing (via email) if we do.
18. Execution By Electronic Methods And Counterparts
18.1 These Terms may be signed separately by us and you, in which case the separate copies will together be taken as the whole Terms.
18.2. We and you agree that these Terms are binding and may be executed electronically, such as by via a “tick-box” method or agreeing to it in writing or verbally, or by you using our Services.
19. Third Party Rights
19.1 No party other than the we and you has any rights under these Terms and the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 will not apply to these Terms.
20. Severability
20.1 If any provision of these Terms are determined to be ineffective, invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court or other competent body, it will be severed from the remaining provisions of the Terms, and the remaining provisions of the Terms will survive.
21. Assignment
21.1 We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation. We will inform you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under these Terms.
22. Governing Law And Jurisdiction
22.1. These Terms and any non-contractual obligations arising in connection with it are governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales whose Courts will have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute arising from it.
22.2 We will attempt to resolve any dispute between the Parties in good faith and will make reasonable efforts to do so.
22.3. We may, at our sole discretion, offer a partial refund of your Bounty to resolve any dispute between the Parties, for example, but not limited to, if the dispute is regarding evidence you submit being deemed unsatisfactory by us.
22.2. If there is a dispute between the Parties, the Parties will use reasonable endeavours to resolve the dispute informally. If an agreement cannot be reached between the Parties, the Parties agree that as a last resort, the dispute will be exclusively resolved by arbitration.
22.3. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms, including any question regarding whether it exists, it is valid, or it can be or has been terminated, will be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration by a single arbitrator. The parties agree that the single arbitrator will be chosen by us. The seat, or legal place, of arbitration will be England and the language to be used in the arbitration proceedings will be English. You will pay the initial fees and/or costs to initiate the arbitration process.
22.4. You will use reasonable endeavours to resolve any dispute privately with us before resorting to court action or formal alternative dispute resolution.
22.5. Even if we delay in enforcing these Terms, we may still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breach of these Terms, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the Services, we may still require you to make the payment at a later date.
23. Representations and warranties
23.1 You represent and warrant that:
i) you are at least 18 years of age;
ii) you, your family, your dependents and any businesses you own or operate will not be placed into financial difficulty if you pay or forfeit your bounty;
iii) the Bounty you are paying is with entirely your own money, or money that you are fully authorised to spend; and
iv) the Bounty is being paid with money that has been legitimately and lawfully obtained, and is not money from the result of theft, fraud, deception, phishing, or any criminal or illegal activity.
23.2 We provide no warranties and guarantees as to your experience or results with our Services. The results you experience may differ from the results we advertise on our website or elsewhere, and to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any discrepency or difference between your results and any advertised results of our Services.
23.3 We provide no warranties and guarantees that GoalBounty and our Services are virus-free, bug-free, or free of all or any defects. Our Services are provided on as-is basis, and we will have no liability whatosever for any bugs, defects, infection by virus or other contamination or by anything which has destructive properties. To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Clause 9.7, you use, access or install our Services at entirely your own risk and sole discretion.
23.4 If the Bounty you are paying is not your own money, or money that you are not fully authorised to spend, ot the Bounty is being paid with money that has been illegitimately or unlawfully obtained, or is money from the result of theft, fraud, deception, phishing, or any criminal or illegal activity, then you will immediately notify us, and you will also fully indemnify us for any and all direct or consequential damages or losses arising from this.
24. Privacy And Confidential Information
24.1. We will keep any information shared by you strictly confidential unless:
(a) the provision of the Services makes it necessary for us to disclose the confidential information to someone in order that they can help us to fulfil the Services;
(b) you approve its disclosure in writing before the disclosure;
(c) a court order or lawful warrant requires it to be disclosed;
(d) the information is already public and known by others (but not because us told them);
(e) you reveal information that would indicate they are at serious risk of harming themselves or others, or harming a child, or being seriously harmed by others, in which case we may contact health care, social services or emergency services to intervene;
(f) you reveal information that they have committed a serious criminal offence (such as but not limited to murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, sexual assault, treason, terrorism, kidnapping, child abuse, money laundering, wire fraud, or other cases where individuals or companies have suffered serious harm), in which case we may contact law enforcement (and social services where applicable) without notifying you as there may be a legal obligation and regulatory requirement for us to do so.
(g) we need to discuss in confidence with a supervisor any Services rendered to you in order that us can fulfil the Services skillfully; or
(h) we or our directors, secretaries, employees, subcontractors, agents or supervisors needs to defend against one or more claims or resolve a dispute arising from the Services provided for you and needs to disclose confidential information shared by you to a court of law, a judge, an insurer, a coroner, a solicitor, a barrister, an arbitrator or participants in an arbitration hearing, or any other individual or organisation in order to defend against such claims or resolve such a dispute.
24.2. You agree that we may use and share an anonymised version of confidential information provided by you during the course of the Services for the purpose of case studies, discussion with a supervisor, success stories, marketing, client acquisition and sales, so long as your name and identity is not disclosed.
24.3. We will not disclose your full name unless you authorise us to do so in writing or if you leave us a public review on our website or related social media websites.
25. Intellectual Property
25.1 By submitting or posting ideas, suggestions, concepts, feedback, or messages ("Contributions") on or through GoalBounty, GoalBounty's website, the GoalBounty Discord Server, or third-party services we use to collect feedback or survey data, you agree to the following terms:
25.2 You hereby grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid-up, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, create derivative works from, publicly display, publicly perform, and otherwise exploit your Contributions for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without further notice to you, acknowledgment, or compensation.
25.3 To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby waive and agree not to assert any moral rights or equivalent rights you may have in your Contributions, including any right to be identified as the author of the Contributions or to object to any derogatory treatment of them.
25.4 You represent and warrant that:
i) You are the original author and owner of the Contributions or have all necessary rights and permissions to grant the rights described in these terms;
ii) Your Contributions do not infringe, misappropriate, or violate any third-party rights, including intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or other proprietary rights;
iii) Your Contributions comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
25.5 You acknowledge and agree that any Contributions you make to the Platform are not confidential and may be publicly visible to others. The Company will have no obligation to treat any Contributions as proprietary or confidential.
25.6 You acknowledge and agree that you are not entitled to any compensation, financial or otherwise, for the rights granted to the Company under these terms or for the use of your Contributions.
25.7 You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, officers, directors, founders, employees, workers, agents, coaches, consultants, subcontractors and licensors from and against any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable solicitors' fees) arising out of or related to:
i) Your Contributions;
ii) Any breach of these terms by you; or
iii) Any violation of applicable laws or third-party rights in connection with your Contributions.
25.8 The Parties will retain any intellectual property created by them unless otherwise agreed in writing. Nothing in this Coaching Agreement will grant ownership to either Party’s intellectual property.
26. Nature of Services
26.1. You agree that GoalBounty and any Services we provide are no substitute for, nor intended to be, medical, psychiatric, psychological treatment/advice.
26.2 You agree that GoalBounty is a goal-setting and accountability platform, and not a bank or savings account, and will not treat it as such.
26.3 You fully understand that your money is at risk and you may lose all of your money if you do not achieve your goal or fail to abstain from your chosen bad habit, or fail to consistently maintain your chosen good habit.
26.4 By engaging with our service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms and Conditions.
27. Usage of Our Online Forums and Communities
27.1 If/when you engage or communicate with our online forums and communities, you will abide by and adhere to our Community Conduct Policy, located at the URL .
27.2 If you violate our Community Conduct Policy, your usage of our online forums and communities may be terminated by us, and any account, device or IP address you use to access them, may be suspended or permanently banned by us.
27.3 Our online forums and communities are not a replacement for, nor intended to be, medical, psychiatric and/or psychological treatment/advice, or professional financial or legal advice, or any advice that only a qualified and trained professional should give. Any suggestions, advice or tips you follow from fellow users is entirely at your own sole discretion and risk, and you will assume all liability if you do so.
27.4 If you share any content using our Services or on our online forums and communities that is defamatory or libellous about a third party, or otherwise infringes on any legal rights of a third party (such as but not limited to intellectual property rights), or in any way harms a third party, then you will fully indemnify us for any and all direct or consequential damages or losses arising from this.
27.5 If you share any illegal content in our forums and communities (such as, but not including, illegal pornography or illegal software, including any hyperlinks to them), we may report this to law enforcement and the relevant authorities, and this will not constitute any breach of any confidentiality by us whatsoever or howsoever.
28. Complaints and Queries
28.1 For any complaints, questions or concerns regarding these Terms, our Services or any aspect of GoalBounty, you will contact us by email at or by writing to us at GoalBounty Ltd, 20 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU.
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